It's been written a lot about the Leica M8... Bad ISO, problems with the color rendering, really bad screen resolution etc, etc... 

There are cameras out on the market which have better ISO, no problems with color rendering, screens with million dots resolution etc. - but are these better cameras? They might have the better technology, but at the end of the day it is just a tool which helps to create the vision of the photographer.

I love my M8 - I call her the "cheap Monochrome".  I love the CCD sensor which gives my Black & White images a special character. Till now I haven't had the chance to shoot with the Leica Monochrome - honestly I am very curious - but would the Monochrome for nearly 7000€  make better Black & White pictures than the M8? I am not sure? 

At the end of the day it should be a picture which touches the viewer - which gives him a kind of moment - and then it doesn't matter with which camera the image has shot.

All images are taken with the Leica M8 and 40 mm Summicron C  (click on the thumbnails to see the images in full resolution)


I shot it / Black & White Photo Competition


Leica Master Shots Gallery