Shooting Black & White with the Fuji x100s

I got so much feedback after my Barcelona Posting where people asked me how I process my B&W pictures. 

I have been in Dubai last week and used this trip to shoot some B&W images. It was my first trip to the Middle East and I loved it. I honestly have to admit that I didn't do lots of people street photography cause I wanted to respect the culture. Of course I could have asked - but I do prefer getting the most out of my picture - the real private moment. 

The x100s is a beautiful camera - especially for Black & White photography. Most of the time I shoot RAW & jpeg. The jpegs are great out of the x100s but the RAWs have more information and if I am having a "gold keeper" I want to get the best quality out of my picture. 

Here are my settings for the Black & White pictures with the x100s: 

ISO: 200 (sunny weather) - or ISO Auto 3200
WB: Auto
Filter: Black&White Yellow
H-Tone: +1
Sharpness: 0

This setting work for me as the best to get the Black & White result I want to have. I love the punchy black and the great contrast of the Yellow filter. The Black & White jpeg outcome is awesome and so most of the time I don't need to do any editing. Sometimes I change a bit the curves or the exposure, it depends of the picture - but that's it.

Dubai was a great place - also for color shooting. For that I did use the Fn Button for the Filmsimulation. That made it easy and quick to change the settings for a color picture. Therefore I mostly used the Velvia Filter which made the pictures very punchy - which was perfect for the colourful Dubai.

I hope I could help you a bit with the x100s Black & White settings & editing. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me... 


Bye Bye Shoreditch...


Barcelona, perfect place for street photography